Case Study

Tricentis Discovering The Need for Experts

Point of Contact:
David Sin
Former Director of Marketing Ops.



Platforms Used


Having a global team to support and minimal marketing operations resources, Tricentis was looking for a partner that could help get programs out the door immediately.



Own Marketo program configuration including third-party app integrations


Support multiple timezones: Mountain View, Atlanta, Vienna


Developed custom set of email templates in both English and German

Tricentis Discovering The Need for Experts

Tricentis helps companies transform their DevOps processes by changing the way they pre-test software releases. Through risk-based testing, scriptless end-to-end test automation, and their Continuous Testing platform, Tricentis has simplified test automation for over 800+ companies. They’ve worked with enterprises like Allianz, ANZ Bank, Experian, HSBC, Lexmark, Starbucks, UBS, Vodafone, and Whole Foods. Using the unparalleled technology support of Tricentis, these customers have been able to achieve test automation rates of over 90 percent.

Despite their impressive book of clients, Tricentis has been met with the same challenges as other businesses their size. They scaled out before building a strong marketing operations team and saw very quickly that a stronger team was critical to their continued success.

According to David Sin, Director of Marketing, “We had a strategic imperative to scale and needed more headcount than the one person we had. We wanted people who were agile, knowledgeable and could get up to speed immediately.”

"We wanted people who were agile, knowledgeable and could get up to speed immediately"

David Sin
Former Director of Marketing Ops, Tricentis

Teaming Up With Nomad

In May 2018, Tricentis found Nomad.

“Our onboarding was very smooth. You had the technical knowledge of Marketo and by looking at our instance you picked up on our operational structures and seamlessly integrated it into our processes. It was kind of a trial by fire since we’re a startup and we move so quickly. I was amazed at how quickly your team got up to speed with our business.”

Almost immediately, Nomad and Tricentis forged a rock-solid relationship rooted in trust and skill. The way it happened, however, is not your typical story.

David remembers, “A year ago, we had recently acquired a company out of Germany. Our CMO/Founder was going to host a webinar to announce the acquisition, explain future state, and communicate organizational impacts. It was a high profile campaign. A day before the webinar invite went out, I was doing some last-minute QA-ing and discovered we didn’t have the emails or the webinar program set up. I was panicked.

Late at night, I was scrambling to figure it out and didn’t want to have to cancel the webinar altogether. I saw that Thomas was online and immediately reached out to him for help. I gave him a call and explained the situation. He created all the Marketo lists and I did the webinar part, and together we pulled an all-nighter to get this done. At this point, we had only known each other for a short time. Pulling an all-nighter with Thomas after knowing him for three weeks showed me what a reliable partner he really was. We wanted a long term partner to grow with, and that’s what we got. From that point on we were a team.”

One of Nomad’s primary offerings is their willingness and eagerness to immerse in your team structure. Whether it’s hopping onto your slack channels, attending your daily or weekly status meetings, or team outings, they feel that the best way to join your team is to actually join your team. “The thing I value most about Nomad is your knowledge and how responsive you are to our needs. You’re remarkably low maintenance and it makes my job so much easier. As soon as the goal and objective is presented to you, you go out and do it in a timely manner and with a high level of quality. It’s huge,” says David.

"I was amazed at how quickly your team got up to speed with our business."

David Sin
Former Director of Marketing Ops, Tricentis

The Three Things You Need in a Business Partner

A good business partner is hard to come by. Like any relationship, there are many disparate parts that must align and numerous characteristics--tangible and intangible--that must fit together. And for many consultant relationships, it’s an in-and-out type of deal. But Nomad has built its business based on the idea that they are an extension of your team.

We wanted a long term partner to grow with, and that’s what we got.

David Sin
Former Director of Marketing Ops

David says,

Do they understand my issues?
You check that box right away.

Can they actually solve my problem?
That’s where your technical knowledge and your team’s responsiveness comes in.

Do I really want to work with them?
You showed early on in our relationship that this is a partnership to you and not a client relationship.

Removing the backlog of work, executing campaigns on time, and making sure sales consistently receives their MQLs is absolutely vital to your trajectory of success. Doing this ensures no lead gets left behind and no marketing programs fall flat. But failing to prioritize marketing Ops is how companies get left behind.

David Sin and Tricentis saved onboarding time, energy, and the costs associated with a salaried employee or fee-based consultancy. In a matter of weeks, they went from a one-person operation to a robust and fully functional marketing ops team. The result has been many successes, a bunch of great ideas, a few late nights, and a relationship that made it easier for Tricentis to realize their goals.

“When I think back to explorations we did with other vendors, there was a lot that went on at that stage. Once you actually go into implementation, things typically go awry. But with your team, everything we said at the outset has come to fruition. Commitments made were commitments kept,” according to David. Nomad is how you stay ahead of the curve.

"The thing I value most about Nomad is your knowledge and how responsive you are to our needs. You’re remarkably low maintenance and it makes my job so much easier."

David Sin
Former Director of Marketing Ops